DB Real Estate has provided the expert planning advice/input in a third successful planning application for change of use from offices to alternative uses in as many months.
The owners of Central House, Park Street Camberley, made an application for change of use from offices to serviced apartments. The owners of Valzan House, London Road, Camberley made an application for change of use from offices to a residential/flat scheme and most recently, the proposed new tenant of 1 Albert Road, Camberley made an application for change of use from offices to Class D2 (martial arts centre).
In each case the applications were successful and in each case expert advice regarding the supply, take up and demand for office space, current trends and information about historical and current market conditions was provided by DB Real Estate.
For further information please contact the Camberley office of DB Real Estate on 01276 538300 or by e mail – info@dbre.co.uk
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